Monday, October 14, 2013

Guideline for Stroke Prevention

1. Control of dangerous factor
- Blood pressure control : It is the most important factor. You should pay attention to not only the highest blood pressure but also the lowest one. It is more dangerous if you have problem with electrocardiogram or funduscopy, as well as if you have protein in urine.
- You should pay special attention if you have heart disease, diabetes or, hyperlipidemia.
- Smokers should quit smoking. It is dangerous if you smoke more than ten cigarettes.
- Do not over drink
- Obesity cure.

2. Medicinal treatment
- Antiplatelet agent : In the case of Stroke due to hardening of arteries, the inner wall of the vessel is destroyed and the platelet gathers. Then the red blood cell clusters. You can prevent this with antiplatelet agent.
- Anticoagulant : It can prevent blood clotting in the hearts of the patients, who have vavular disease of the heart or atrial fibrillation, so as to prevent stroke.

3. Daily guidance
- Avoid being outside for a long time or to go out suddenly. Especially for those who have high blood pressure or obesity should take special care of sudden change of temperature and blood pressure, in rest room or bath for example. This is because blood vessels are likely to burst when the blood vessels shrink due to the cold weather and make blood pressure high.
- Avoid overworking.
- Release stress in daily life.
- Take enough sleep.
- Exercise regularly. When the input energy is less than energy consumed by moving, there is energy surplus leading to obesity. Along with having balance of energy, it is recommended to move body and use the energy instead of exercising not enough and reducing the amount of food. Proper exercise helps to release stress and to solve the insomnia. For those who usually are sitting when they work or are house wives, 200-300kcal for men and 100-200kcal for women is ideal in a day.
- Try to have proper defecation.
- Be aware of salt overtake. Less than 10g a day is recommended to prevent high blood pressure. Try not to intake simple sugar.

- Use artery hardening and cholesterol preventing diet.

Source : Gachon Univ. Gil Medical Center

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